Bright Electroless Tin Solution


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SKU: ELP-EL2T-100A-01 Category: .

Product Details


Packaging 1 pound of Part A (powder) in 1 liter wide mouth packer (HDPE) or 5 pounds of Part A in 2 gallon pail and 1 pint of Part B (liquid) in 16 oz natural poly bottle or 1/2 gallon of Part B in 4 L natural poly bottle, meeting UN requirements, unless otherwise specified

Quality and Deposits Characteristics

  • Good chemical resistance
  • Excellent adhesion
  • Corrosion protection to copper and lead-tin electroplate
  • Very solderable deposits
  • A minimum of 25 millionths of an inch of tin deposit is required

Features and Benefits

  • Plates pure tin rapidly
  • Plating exhibits fine-grain tin structure
  • Affords unusual resistance to humidity and salt-spray
  • Excellent solderability
  • Process simple to operate and maintain
  • Surfaces are uniform and smooth with well-controlled thickness and excellent uniformity

General Description

Simple immersion technique for bright electroless tin plating process. Deposit pure tin onto copper, brass, other copper-based alloys, gold and lead-tin electroplate. Bright Electroless Tin is a well-developed formulation based upon the reduction characteristics of chelated tin in the divalent state. Under proper conditions reduction to pure tin occurs readily. Bright Electroless Tin is recommended to preserve solderability of printed circuit boards, either copper of lead-tin electroplate. It is also used for plating electronic parts, such as diodes leads and for the corrosion protection of die stampings and machined copper or brass parts.

Safety & Documentation

Safety Information

Download Safety Data Sheet of Part A and Part B. Contact NANO3D SYSTEMS LLC for Certificate of Analysis



Bright Electroless Tin Solution


Tin Metal content (Part A)               –                       92.3-93.3 g/kg

                        pH (Part B)                –                                          < 1

To prepare the electroless tin plating solution use one pound Part A with one pint Part B and add 0.6 gallons water. Stir. All material will dissolve when plating solution is operated at 180oF.

SHELF LIFE:    This solution has 12 months shelf life.

PACKAGING: 1 pound of Part A (powder) in 1 liter wide mouth packer (HDPE) or 5 pounds of Part A in 2 gallon pail and 1 pint of Part B (liquid) in 16 oz natural poly bottle or 1/2 gallon of Part B in 4 L natural poly bottle. Larger packages are also available upon request.

Additional Info

PLATING RATE (on copper)

Time in minutesThickness in Microinches
( @ 180oF)( 10-6 inches)


Bright Electroless Tin will deposit 25 millionths of an inch over 100 sq. ft. of copper/gallon of plating solution.